COQUINAS are so very special. These small clams appear in myriad rainbow
colors and patterns...even a "sun ray plaid!" At times there are only a few --
but such a joy when the receding surf reveals millions in a range of sizes and colors from
deep purple or blue, brilliant red or yellow to pastel. They appear and then suddenly
switch to a vertical position and dig in the sand, only to surface again with the next
wash and collect densely in little swash channels, and in your freshly made footprints.
MANGROVE is referred to
as the tree that "walks." It reaches out with "prop roots" which give
it firm support along the shore to withstand the tide and wave actions. Sand accrues in
and amongst the extensive root system which helps prevent shoreline erosion. "Walking
Tree, Inc." representatives for Hal Stowers is named after, and pays tribute to, the
beloved "Red Mangrove." Over the years all of Hal & B.J.'s boats have been
named "Mangrove Momma."